Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Happiness Hormone!

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, low levels of which lead to depression, bad mood, low self esteem, anxiety, chronic pain, panic, fear and phobias, obsession, pessimism, emotional behaviors, insomnia and various other negative moods.
Foods rich in carbohydrates lead to the concentration of trytophan which the body converts into serotonin. E.g. Bananas, chocolate, turkey, pumpkin and food rich in folic acid-cabbage, broccoli, spinach and beets are among the best well known serotonin foods.

A not so healthy way of inreasing serotonin levels is through nicotine. Nicotine increases serotonin levels and its absence has the opposite affect, this being one of the explanations why some of those who quit smoking gain a few pounds.

Ever wondered why reduced calorie diets affect mental mood and emotions. In just four weeks of low-calorie diets, the level of tryphotan is reduced significantly. This affects serotonin levels. It installs mood disorders, sometimes calmed by a meal high in carbohydrates. 


Serotonin March 12, 2012 at 12:06 AM  

Depends on what you call reduced calorie diets.
Second there are diets, for loosing weight, for example, that take care to have all nutrients needed for the health of entire body.

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