Friday, April 8, 2011

Post Presentation Glee!

In the four years of my undergrad, i neither realized nor captured the satisfaction, glee, the merriment one comes across right after a big presentation.

Oh, the relief!

Like a huge weight has been put off your chest. How ignorant of me, not to write about the exuberant moment all these years, whilst i experienced this delight numerous a times. After the question answer session, as soon as the instructor announces no more questions. Next group please!

You breathe a sigh of relief. Grab your belongings and step out of the auditorium. Cool wind starts blowing, embracing your triumph and owing much of its coolness to the anxious sweating earlier, however, in the lighthearted bliss, the trees sway smooth, spring leaves drop slowly, the ecstasy is unparalleled. University life feels better but for the most of it you don't want the blitheness to end, for it is heavenly. Perception of life changes at that very moment, even the people you hate the most, start to look good. As if they have adorned an invisible veil of beauty. An unusual radiance shows on their faces. All i know is, this verve, gaiety and vivacity is priceless.

How even the simple sunset looks surreal later in the day.The extra lively, slow motion exhilaration of the day pouring slowly past is extraordinary. You know this joy would only last a while but while your at it, you are sure to take pleasure at every elated moment.

So heres to, the next presentation!


Omar,  August 17, 2011 at 4:37 PM  

that was wonderful zaeem...

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